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From hitchhiking across the Atlas Mountains in Morroco to wild camping in a storm in the Icelandic highlands, we've had tonnes of adventures, and learnt a lot the hard way.


In Just the Two of Us there are all the tips you need on how to go a long way on a budget, and travel super-light, along with advice on how to trouble-shoot mini dramas and minor disasters. 

With bump, I've cross-country ski-ed in Finland, wild camped in the Outer Hebrides, and the Shetland Isles and toured around the Faroe Islands, so don't let anyone say you can't have an adventure when you are pregnant!


I can do much more than I had imagined, with a few minor adjustments. I've learnt a lot along the way on how to do it, and make it as easy as possible. I want to share it all with you in Us plus Bump

Go Wild

Meandering thoughts on life, travel and wild adventures. Everything from how to have an adventure on your doorstep to the beauty of ferry travel, with some storm philosophy along the way!


For advice and top tips on independent travelling, wild camping, and all things adventurous, see Go Wild

Gear Reviews

Learn from our pricey mistakes and sleepless nights, so you can have all the adventures you want without the dramas.


For reviews on all the gear you need and definitely don't need for a wild adventure with or without baby , see Gear Reviews

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Get Happy, Stay Young, Go Wild
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